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1009 W. Klutina
Valdez, AK 99686
School Messenger Communication
School Messenger Communicate: General Updates and Alerts
Valdez City Schools uses SchoolMessenger to keep parents and students informed and up to date! Communicate updates include school delays and closures, school-wide alerts, and other announcements. Teachers are also able to use Communicate to send information to specific families.
SchoolMessenger allows you to personalize communications from your school or district. After logging in, you will be able to:
See your related SchoolMessenger Contacts across schools.
View the last 30 days of SchoolMessenger messages.
Change your SchoolMessenger communication preferences.
Opt-in to Push notifications (mobile only)
School Messenger Safe Arrival: Absence Notification
SafeArrival handles the majority of parent contact (including phone calls) when a student absence is unexpected.
All parents are asked to please report student absences before 8:15 am on the day of the absence (you can also report absences in advance, if they are known).
To report an absence you may choose to:
- call the toll free # 1-(833) 566-1225 or
- access the following website:
- download App from Apple or Google Play
Please choose the reason for your child’s absence from school: sick, appointment, family vacation, etc. Don’t forget to wait for confirmation # to ensure your child’s absence has been recorded.
If you do not connect with the SafeArrival system by 8:30 am on the day of your child’s absence from school, and when the teacher has completed attendance for his/her class, then a report will be dispatched for all.
Please get in touch with the GMS Front Officel if your contact information (email or phone number) has recently changed so SchoolMessenger has the most current information on file.
To Create your School Messenger Account:
To create an account, go to
Click “Sign up” at the top of the page, or download the SchoolMessenger App from the App Store or Google Play.
This is a separate account than your PowerSchool Parent account, but MUST use the same email address you have on file as a parent with PowerSchool. You will only see messages for children tied to that email in PowerSchool.
Enter the email address you have on file with the School/PowerSchool and create a password. You’ll need to verify that email before proceeding.
Return to SchoolMessenger and sign in using the email and password you just verified.
The SchoolMessenger App is available to download for free in the App Store and Google play.